You’re a hair away from a full life!

Elemental Hair Analysis gives the most-reliable results on the body’s mineral content, because the result of this test determines imbalances in the body and changes in elements and their interrelationships much more reliably than blood or urine tests.

Don’t forget that the result of the elemental hair analysis enables you to evaluate any imbalance in your body that may then lead to many serious diseases.

Lifeline Diag
EHA is an excellent prevention tool in a few simple steps:
  • Order an EHA set.
  • After paying for the order you will receive an e-mail with the EHA questionnaire. Please, print and feel it in legibly.
  • Take a hair sample and put it along with the completed questionnaire into the paper envelope.
  • E-mail us at to let us know that your sample is ready for pick-up.
  • In response, you will receive an e-mail with a shipping label (please, print it and stick on the envelope) and the date of pick-up of your sample by the FedEx courier.
  • We will inform you that we received your hair sample at the e-mail address provided in the questionnaire.
  • The waiting time for results is three to four weeks.
  • When the EHA result is ready, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to register patient panel where your EHA result will be available
Przygotowanie próbki - pierwiastkowe badanie włosów
Take a hair sample – it’s that simple!
  • Put your hair up at the top of your head.
  • Segregate the first section and cut it with sharp scissors right next to the skin.
  • Measuring from where you cut it – from the head – cut a 1-inch strand, and discard the rest.
  • Repeat 2-3 times so that the amount of cut hair is 300-400mg, which is approximately 1 flat tablespoon in volume.
  • The hair sent for testing should not be dyed. If your hair is dyed, please wait approximately one month and cut a sample from the regrowth. You may also take a sample of pubic or chest hair.
  • To accurately determine your trends, repeat the test every six months.