HAIR HEALTH & TRACE ELEMENTS: A Key to Lustrous Hair for Indians


India is a country famous for its cultural diversity, rich heritage, and, among many other things, the voluminous and glossy hair of its residents. The envy of people globally, Indian hair is often characterized by its thickness, luster, and natural dark color. However, in recent years, an increasing trend of hair related issues such as hair fall, premature greying, and dullness has led to a growing concern among us.

As a native, I have come to appreciate the importance of understanding the role trace elements play in hair health. Trace elements are minerals present in minimal quantities in our bodies but are involved in significant biological processes, such as hair health and growth.


Iron: Iron is essential for hair growth. Its deficiency is one of the leading causes of hair loss in India, with studies indicating that approximately 80% of the Indian population is iron-deficient.

Zinc: Integral to hair tissue growth and repair, zinc also helps keep the oil glands surrounding the hair follicles functioning optimally. In India, up to 73% of the population could have a lower than recommended zinc intake, potentially contributing to hair health issues.

Copper: Copper aids in melanin production, which provides our hair with its characteristic dark color. Interestingly, certain regions in India, such as the state of Punjab, have reported a higher incidence of copper deficiency, potentially leading to premature greying.


The significance of trace elements is not merely their presence but also their balance. Excess copper, for example, can result in hair loss, emphasizing the need for balanced mineral levels.

One way to understand our body’s trace element composition is through the innovative technique of Hair Mineral Analysis. This test, although relatively new in India, has been rapidly gaining popularity as a non-invasive diagnostic tool.


The Hair Mineral Analysis test offers a comprehensive insight into our body’s mineral composition, thereby helping address any imbalances that could affect our hair health. According to a report, the diagnostic market in India is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.4% between 2020 and 2025, and Hair Mineral Analysis could constitute a significant part of this growth.

In conclusion, understanding the role of trace elements in our hair health is key to addressing hair health issues. It’s high time we embraced modern diagnostic methods like Hair Mineral Analysis to maintain our rich heritage of lustrous, healthy hair.

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