HASHIMOTO DISEASE – Regain control of your hormones

Hashimoto’s disease is a chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. The disease belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases. The immune system considers the thyroid gland to be a foreign body that it intends to fight. The entire process begins to produce antibodies that attack the cells of this organ.


The most important tests to diagnose Hashimoto’s are blood tests, ultrasound, and a thyroid gland biopsy. The first screening test is a thyroid stimulating hormone, the so-called TSH. It is also necessary to check the antibodies that will be elevated in the patient, i.e., aTPO (antibodies against peroxidase) and aTG (antibodies against thyroglobulin). FT3 and FT4 blood tests are also important tests for proper diagnosis. The thyroid gland produces many hormones, but the most active forms are FT3 and FT4.

A complementary test that is worth performing is the EHA – elemental hair analysis – which allows you to diagnose the level of, among others, iodine, zinc, and selenium, as well as other elements that are nutritional factors involved in both the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and in the pathogenesis of thyroid gland diseases. Why does the EHA result say a lot about hormones? Because hormones are the best indicator of the biochemical changes, trends, and tendencies an organism exhibits. Their relationship with minerals is direct.
Moreover, they affect both the level and proportion of minerals. When carrying out the EHA test, you should pay attention to those minerals that are necessary for the hormonal glands at a given moment or, in a sense, constitute an obstacle for them to be eliminated by hair. Hormones, when in equilibrium, fulfill the task set for them. This does not mean that their cooperation is smooth. Insulin (when it is in excess) can disrupt the level of thyroid and adrenal hormones, raise estrogen, and lower progesterone. The same is true of parathyroid hormones, which are somewhat opposed to the thyroid hormones. This hormonal chaos is revealed by the EHA test.

The concentration of elements in the body and the work of hormones

Gland/hormone Elements excreted intensively into the hair; an excess affects the proper functioning of the gland/hormone Retention of these in other parts of the body may cause a deficiency and improper functioning of the gland/hormoneu
Thyroid copper, calcium, magnesium potassium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, irono
Pancreas iron, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, chromium, potassium copper, calcium
The adrenal glands magnesium, copper, calcium, chromium phosphorus, manganese, iron, sodium and potassium
Parathyroid magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, chromium copper, calcium
Progesterone calcium, copper zinc, iron, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium
Estrogen zinc, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese calcium, copper

The proportion of elements in the body and the work of hormones

Gland/hormone A reduced proportion of these elements is an obstacle to the proper functioning of the gland/hormone An increased proportion of these elements is an obstacle to the proper functioning of the gland/hormone
Thyroid calcium/phosphorus, calcium/potassium iron/copper, sodium/magnesium
Pancreas iron/copper, zinc/copper calcium/sodium, calcium/magnesium, calcium/potassium, calcium/iron, calcium/phosphorus
The adrenal glands calcium/sodium, calcium/phosphorus, calcium/potassium sodium/potassium, iron/copper, calcium/magnesium, sodium/magnesium
Parathyroid iron/copper calcium/magnesium, calcium/sodium, calcium/iron, calcium/potassium
Progesterone sodium/potassium, calcium/potassium iron/copper, zinc/copper
Estrogen iron/copper, zinc/copper sodium/potassium, calcium/magnesium, calcium/potassium, calcium/iron


The main symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease include:

  • dry, dull hair with a tendency to fall out,
  • brittle nails,
  • mood changes,
  • depression,
  • dry skin
  • decreased body temperature
  • sleepiness,
  • swelling around the eyes,
  • weight gain,
  • decreased sex drive.


  1. Always start your day with breakfast.
  2. Eat the last meal at least 3 hours before going to bed.
  3. Remember proper hydration.
  4. Eat about 4-5 meals a day.
  5. Consume products with a low glycemic index.
  6. Avoid stress and get enough sleep.
  7. Exercise regularly.
  8. Avoid fried foods.
  9. Avoid sweetening drinks, sweets, and fast food.
  10. Eat at least 25 grams of fiber daily.
  11. Consume wholesome protein.
  12. Avoid highly processed foods.
  13. Buy fresh produce.
  14. Avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
  15. Consume antioxidants daily.


Milk products buttermilk, natural yoghurt, kefir, lean cottage cheese fatty cheeses, cream, fatty milk
Grain products whole grain products such as: millet, corn, amaranth, quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat wheat flour products
Eggs about 4 per week, ground flaxseed is a good alternative
Meat products lean meats such as skinless chicken, veal, beef, skinless turkey, cod, trout, flounder fatty meats such as pork, mutton, fried in breadcrumbs, fatty meats, sausages, canned food
Fats all vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil, olive oil, also natural sources of fats such as chia seeds, linseeds, walnuts animal fats such as: lard, lard, mayonnaise, universal oils
Vegetables beets, carrots, squash, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, green lettuce, pumpkin, patisons, chives, onion, radish, parsley, and others be careful with vegetables that contain fructans such as cabbage, okra, brussel sprouts, shallots, mushrooms, and artichokes
Fruit all fruits except those listed in the prohibited products prohibited candied fruits, fruits that contain a lot of fructose, such as: mango, kiwi, grape, watermelon, cherries
Spices lemon juice, dill, cumin, watercress, cinnamon, tarragon, basil, pepper, nutmeg, cloves, good quality vinegar, lemon balm “Vegetable” spices are not allowed, they have monosodium glutamate and other artificial additives


In Hashimoto’s disease, it is necessary to support the treatment with supplementation. Many studies show that this disease can create many deficiencies. To start effective supplementation, it is necessary to properly analyze all minerals and vitamins available to the body. The EHA (elemental hair analysis) test, which allows you to observe the level of elements delivered to the body in the last few months, will help in the proper selection of mineral supplements. Such a study gives a lot of opportunities, including the assessment of the quality of food and supplements we eat and the environment in which we live.


The most important minerals and vitamins in Hashimoto’s disease include:

Zink – is necessary to produce TSH. It is essential for the health of the hair, which is often very weak in this condition.

Magnesium – it helps to eliminate symptoms such as constipation, anxiety, headaches. Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands.

Selenium – is responsible for the reaction of the immune system and the protection of cells.

Vitamin E – a very important antioxidant, fights free radicals and removes toxins from the body.

Iron – in Hashimoto’s disease, iron deficiency anemia or anemia is very common. The deficiency will inhibit the conversion from L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine.

Vitamin C – an important component that influences inflammation in the body, regulates tissue and neutralizes free radicals.

Iodine – abnormal iodine levels can cause changes in the way thyroid hormones work.

Vitamin D – in autoimmune diseases, its level is often low. Its deficiency leads to the improper functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin A – has a very important influence on the synthesis of the hormone and the production of T3.

Vitamin B6 – is helpful in converting iodine into thyroid hormone. Not getting enough of this vitamin can make hypothyroidism worse.

Vitamin B12 – an inadequate level often leads to vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. When deficiencies of this vitamin occur, depression, coolness disorders, and vision problems often appear.

Chromium – deficiency of this element greatly promotes excess weight.

Check the level of minerals NOW

Klaudia Urban, HASHIMOTO DISEASE – Regain control of your hormones, 2(5)/2020, S.42-44.